We recently came across an excellent article by the Osteopathic Council of Australia which said "whether you are an elite athlete or you run around the park once in a while for general fitness, your osteopath may help prevent and treat many sporting injuries."
The author goes on to say :
"Commonly treated injuries include:
- neck and back strains
- shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries
- hip and pelvic injuries
- knee, leg and ankle injuries.
Reduced joint or muscle flexibility will affect your performance. It may result in injury. If you do become injured, your osteopath is highly trained to facilitate a return to optimal function and prevent compensatory strains from occuring. This aims to minimise re-injury and allow a quicker return to physical activity.
Osteopathic treatment involves manual techniques, including soft tissue stretching, mobilisation, inhibition and manipulation. These techniques assist in improving elasticity, strength, endurance, mobility and performance."
For sports and children, the Osteopathic Council remarks that :
"Children need to grow with optimal mobility, strength and balance. Sport and exercise can place exceptional demands on their bodies. Children should be cared for by professionals who are fully aware of the needs of young growing bodies.
"Before treating your child, the osteopath may perform a comprehensive physical examination and refer to other health care professionals if necessary. The osteopath can provide nutritional advice along with strategies, exercises and routines to help your child avoid further injury and stay healthy, happy and active."
They also reveal some examples of injuries which could affect the body mechanics :
"hamstring and groin injuries invariably involve low back or pelvic restriction and imbalances
knee pain is related to poor foot and ankle mechanics, thigh muscle tension and hip problems
shoulder injuries can be caused by tension in the ribs, neck, shoulder blade and upper back
shin splints involve poor mechanics of the lower leg and foot
joint injections and pain killers may only mask the problem
dealing directly with the cause of your problem may prevent further injury and joint degeneration."
Sources : http://www.osteopathy.org.au/pages/sports-injuries.html